sunnuntai 3. helmikuuta 2013

Days 1 and 2

I started on Saturday by listening the first 3 episodes from Pimsleur. The problem with audio tapes is that you never know how words are actually written (my written French is horrible, I think I make mistakes in basic verb conjugations).  So I needed to check out from websites how the words are actually written (most of these came from here or from Google translator). Anyhow, from Pimsleur I learned following expressions:

-Goedemorgen, hoe gaat het met jou?
-Ik ben goet

-Spreekt u Nederlands / Engels?
-Ja, ik spreek Nederlands. / Nei, ik spreek geen Nederlands

-Ben u Nederlands
-Nei, ik ben Amerikaanse.

-Tot ziens!

Then I listened the first 5 chapters from Michel Thomas recording. After listening those, Pimsleur appeared much more monotonous. Michel Thomas starts from very simple sentences and builds up from that. That seemed almost too easy.

From Michel Thomas I learned:

Het is niet warm hier.
Het is heel goed hier
Ik doe dat nu 
Ik wil dit. 
Ik wil niet werken, ik wil nu bier trinken! (I modified that a bit).

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